
20 Art Reviews w/ Response

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Hey dude, I wanna say that I apologized for making this stupid comment back in 2020 when I was 16.

At the time, I saw a bunch of riots stuff on the internet and thought it was terrible so I was trying to be neutral on both sides yet I ended up took bad influence from people like Memology 101 and Mr. Obvious, which I stop watching them in early 2021.

Now in 2024 where I am currently 20 now, it was painful to think my old comment and I can acknowledged that most cops are shitheads and a bunch alt-righty tighties can fuck themselves. I am not the same person from 2020 and grow to become a better person thankfully

Also, I would hope that any autistic teenager should never go to politics like what I choose back then.

vezanmatics responds:

Ah no worries! Totally understandable, I also left cringe on the net when I was that age. What's important is that you're capable of learning and improving

Man, I remember when people have a pretty unhinge rage against Raymond because he was pretty popular in the internet at the time and random weirdos buying Nook Miles tickets with real money in the black market.

Which I find that funny as hell in hindsight.

And since they can't control their bloody rage on a fictional cat dude, they have vent their anger by making hate art and animations of Raymond being torture and killed. (Including this one)

Instead of just not liking him.

Those are the days.

Also, I'm not sure what you think of this animation now?

SuperSonic705 responds:

I never had a problem with Raymond lmao I just wanted to make this because funni lmao

Lol, that's were Plum was originally from.

And it was pretty insane that people are okay and celebrating of Chip's doxxing and the fact that Pipca has literally zero remorse for (almost) ruining Chip’s life while being praised as the "victim".

In fact, it almost reminds me of the Antoons drama back in 2020 when many people wanted Antoons to be off platform and led Puppychan to be praised as the "victim" and become popular.

The only two difference is that:
1. It wasn't as talked about compare to the Antoons drama.
2. Chippledipple was actually a funny guy where he was more charming, unlike Antoons.

What do you think of this whole video about this?

latchk3y responds:

speaking bluntly, my opinion on it is that it's fucking bizarre to me that chippledipple and pipca, two people who i have only had very brief interactions with, keep re-appearing in my life, involved in the gayest shit imaginable.

THAT SAID, making a video game to make fun of someone's fat fetish and them throwing THIS MUCH of a fit is VERY funny.

Awww, I really love this adorable nerdy cat girl! πŸ’–

Although, her design looks a bit like Alfa995's Queen. But I don't think it was negative, I just find it similar.

Also, I was wondering if she has any information about her and things she like to do. Because it would be pretty interesting.

Anyway, keep doing a great job. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

MarchHareDraws responds:

Blondes with glasses seem to be a common trope in the art world haha, they're all great
She likes playing video games and putting herself and her girlfriend into havoc haha
Thank you!!

Gosh freaking damn! Bonbon is such a cute beautiful bunny girl and I would love to cuddle her so bad. πŸ₯°πŸ’–

Aerth responds:

She's my favourite bunny :>

Thank you for the 5-star rating Kentaro!

Holy hell! Not only those baked chocolate-chip cookies look absolutely delicious, but Francine has such a beautiful delicious fat ass that her hole is even more tasty than the cookies! πŸ’–

I bet that the cookies had contain her tasty bunny ass to add a nice amount of flavor in it. That would be amazing!

I absolutely love Francine in all my heart, she is such a great bunny girl. πŸ₯°

Aerth responds:

Makes you wonder why did she went through the hassle to bake that amount of cookies, if she has the whole bakery right there. Hope you save some space to have a taste of the bunny buns!

Yes! Francine is a goddess. Might be the villager i drew the most xD

Damn! I really like this!

snowtroop3r responds:

ay thank you!!

Sherlock homo

Eric @KentaroMide

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